Celine Frampton (b. 1997, NZ) is a multi-disciplinary artist currently based in Kirikiriroa (Hamilton), Aotearoa (New Zealand). Utilising languages from design and multiple media (sculptural-objects, projection, sound and text), Celine explores how speculative objects can be separated from narrative, and are instead connected by withheld scenarios that cause the viewer to speculate and give possibility to the multiverse of what our world could or could’ve been. 

Departing from the functional, commercial or realised products commonly associated with design, Celine is interested in how speculative and (un)real objects act as philosophical tools or conduits instigating substantial reflection and imagining - encouraging the viewer reflectively or critically think about our (un)desirable pasts, contemporary realities, and (im)possible futures. How such objects can suggest possible applications, interactions and behaviours beyond the visually overt. Acting as mirrors for the society that produces, uses or  inhabits them and in turn it’s structures, systems, values, ideologies and aspirations. Celine is interested in their ability to discuss relationships between (un)reality, science, technologies, andhumans while simultaneously problematising specific issues, social implications and consequences from such fields.