"This landscape doesn’t exist in reality; instead it is comprised of a series of images of real locations that have been multiplied and manipulated, anchoring it in the realm between fact and fiction.” (Jae Hoon Lee, 2015)
In Chemical Landscapes, Celine, Llenyd and Gitanjali explore physical and virtual surroundings, fleeting between and beyond times, spaces and materials. The artists’ idea of ‘landscapes’ extends beyond features of scenic vegetation to include the human-altered terrains, the virtual, and the visceral landscapes humans and non-humans co-inhabit. Information is adopted from specific environments inside Aotearoa, considered historical discourses, (un)real scenarios and contemporary concerns. The objects investigate the oscillating levels of human interaction, adaptation and interferences: the ways we conform, restructure, alter our observations and physical engagement to adapt to ‘natural’ landscapes.Together we encounter landscapes through multifaceted ideas of physical connection and alternative ways to observe, exploring what our collective worlds could’ve been, and could be.
Zandtrdeens, Trepeinvegetatro, Schneeiphamont and Caelinusherzncorp was shown in Chemical Landscapes featuring Gitanjali Bhatt, Llenyd Price, ODDLY gallery, March, 2023.